academy of awe self-paced video course

The course includes:

  • Seven 25-minute core content videos (5 core videos + 1 videos for vulva-owners + 1 video for penis-owners) 

  • Five accompanying audio practices with musical compositions by Patrick Budde

  • Worksheets, journaling prompts and other materials to support your learning

Session Descriptions:

One: Greeting Awe - Build the foundations to understand and begin cultivating awe. 

Two: Setting the Table for Awe - Create sacred rituals + spaces to invite awe forward.

Three: Letting Awe In - Learn four pelvic floor exercises to begin letting awe into deeper places of the body. 

Four: Seducing Awe - Support deeper states of pleasure through orgasm, polyvagal theory, and nervous system regulation - with pleasure principles and practices for vulva-owners and penis-owners.

Five: Committing to Awe - Get unstuck when falling in love (with a person or set of practices) and commit to a lifetime of awe.

Academy of Awe Video Course
One time
For 3 weeks

A 5-part self-paced video series of somatic, sexual, and spiritual practices to cultivate the awe more deeply within you. Through guided meditations, embodiment and pleasure practices, you will discover more awe in your body, your art, your work, and your life. The course will help you deepen your relationship to the natural world, the people in it, your senses, your body, and your spirit - all at your own pace.